The Bane of Apex Academy Tutoring Center

Apex Academy has truly, without a doubt become the bane of our high school careers. This brutal and totalitarian complex disguised as a tutoring center has one goal and one goal only, to break the spirits of the high school youth. There will be six different people updating and posting on this blog. We have a few goals in mind when we write articles and make posts about Apex Academy.

1. To entertain our fellow readers about the cruel reality of Apex Academy
2. To talk shit about Teacher Ben since he is an asshole
3. To bring awareness to the toll that has been taken on our mental health at Apex Academy

Without further ado, please read our first article summarizing the shenanigans and suffering that go on at Apex Academy under the tutelage of Teacher Ben.

Being an Apex student for a while, it is almost impossible at this point to count the abuse and torment that my friends and I have been through while under the authority of the man, Teacher Ben.

Picture of Teacher Ben years before opening his tutoring center.

From the number of squats he assigns to his students for trivial issues to the unwarranted searches he issues on our phones, it is quite a surprise that this man has not been in any sort of trouble with any of our parents. Also, this man has the temper of a teenage girl which is evident from his excessive rage that he unleashes toward his students whenever his tutoring schedules are unorganized which is his own fault.

In addition, it almost feels that I am being scammed while getting tutored by him. Often, our tutoring schedules are usually postponed by an hour because of the many distractions that he creates for himself such as talking for hours with another student about irrelevant topics. Even when we do tutor, Teacher Ben only gives a 30-minute session where he forces me to have him do my homework without explaining any of the concepts. For example, the man has forced me to allow him to write my essay which I received a C on.

Furthermore, Teacher Ben not only harasses his students but also his staff. For some odd reason, he insists on hiring some of the students to work for him while getting paid minimum wage. He also forces some of the students who are at Apex Academy to study and do homework, to work the front desk. Unpaid. Last summer, this rat bastard had the audacity to make one of his students, a good friend of mine, to work front desk on his birthday. For his "birthday present," my friend received an Apex Academy shirt that he was forced to wear. By the way, Teacher Ben took back the shirt a few months later to give to another student to wear, so he could work the front desk.

A somewhat similar replica of the Apex Academy staff shirts.

To make it nice and simple, this place has made a negative impact on both my mental and physical health. I think I have changed entirely as a person since coming here which is probably thanks to my daily routine of eating hot pockets and McDonald's while coming here every single day including on school breaks. I hope you, the audience, can relate to me on some sort of level and can share your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for a new post coming up later this week.


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